Kiyoto Komuro
小室 清人


Environmental Evaluation and Basic Mechanical Properties of Building Materials Containig Scallop Shells


近年環境について多く議論されており、その中でも地球温暖化は特に改善が必要となっている問題の1つです。 このまま地球温暖化が進んでいけば海面上昇により消失する地域も発生すると言われています。 本研究では地球温暖化の原因とされる、温室効果ガスの1つである二酸化炭素の削減・または固定化に貢献する可能性がある、ほたて貝殻に着目しました。 年間発生量が20万トンであるほたて貝殻は、海水中にある二酸化炭素を固定しながら殻を形成していくので、二酸化炭素の固定に優れていると言えます。 また近年は良質な骨材が入手困難な傾向にあり、本研究で用いているほたて貝殻のような、粒形が扁平である骨材の使用も考えられます。 そこで本研究では扁平骨材を用いたコンクリート系の材料の力学特性についても、同時に解明していければと考えています。 環境改善評価については、環境問題に伴い経産省より提案された『カーボンフットプリント制度』を参考に、ほたて貝殻をコンクリート材料に混入した場合の二酸化炭素発生量の流れを追っています。 また、ほたて貝殻を混入した材料の具体的な環境効果についても評価していこうと考えています

In today's society, the environmental consideration is in urgent need: Global Warming is causing problems, such as rising sea level, flood, and drought. The rising of sea level may cause some lands to disappear in the present circumstances. Carbon dioxide emission is one of the major sources of Global Warming and measures have been taking place to address the situation such as development of indexes that show how much carbon dioxide was emitted from producing materials, in the process of manufacture and when products were transported. The indexes were established in many countries: "The Blue Angel" in Germany established in 1978, "Carbon Reduction Label" in England established in 2007, "Carbon Footprint of Products" (CFP) established in Japan in 2008 and "Carbon Emission Certificate" in Korea established in 2010. They can contribute to encourage producers to cut down carbon dioxide emission and elevate environmental awareness in consumers. To reduce carbon dioxide in buildings, materials that absorb carbon dioxide like woods are used. This research focuses on utilizing scallop shells for building materials to reduce carbon dioxide. Scallop shells are known to grow by absorbing carbon dioxide in marine. Moreover for example in Japan, scallop shells are creating a waste problem as shown in Fig.1. Japan is the second nation to produce scallop, accounting for 25 percents of the production in the world. It produces 0.5 million ton and many disposal scallop shells occur every year in Fig.2 and Fig.3. Therefore using scallop shells as building materials will solve both the waste problem and carbon dioxide problem.

Therefore, the utility of scallop shells are evaluated in this research through two experiments, environmental and mechanical. Environmental experiment is to simulate the quantities of carbon dioxide emission both with scallop shells and without in the process of manufacturing materials and during transporting building materials to the site where the building is to be constructed. The comparison will clarify how scallop shells used as building materials can reduce carbon dioxide to buildings built without scallop shells. Mechanical experiment is to reveal basic mechanical properties of concrete containing scallop shells through compressive and bending test and durability crack test.

2.Reseach Works


3) 小室清人、田村雅紀:海洋生物殻廃棄物を用いたコンクリート系材料の破壊特性とカーボンニュートラル性の評価、2010年度日本建築学会大会、2010年9月
5)Kiyoto Komuro and Masaki Tamura:Fracture Properties and Carbon Neutral Analysis of Concrete Materials Containing Disposed Sea Shell, 1st ICSU, Dec,2010
7) Kiyoto Komuro and Masaki Tamura:Fracture Properties and Carbon Neutral Analysis of Mortar Containing Scallop sand, 9th ISAT, Nov,2010
8)小室清人、生体構造特性を有する海洋生物殻を用いたコンクリートの 動的劣化特性と炭素固定性の評価、工学院大学修士論文梗概集2012.3


